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Rotary is for Everyone! You Belong Here!
Rotary International is a global network of community volunteers with members, known as Rotarians, who work together to create positive change in their communities and around the world.
Rotary District 5500 (D5500) is made up of more than 50 Rotary Clubs in Southern Arizona, where our members put service above self. Our 1,500 members are leading and partnering on projects that create lasting local and global community change. Our D5500 members come to Rotary to serve. They stay for the friendships and relationships they build.
Learn more about joining Rotary

Rotary Youth
Rotary is not just for older adults! We have Interact Clubs for ages 12-18 in middle schools, high schools and Boys & Girls Clubs. We also have Rotaract Clubs for ages 18 and up in colleges and universities, and community-based, too!

Submit Your Club's Upcoming Events!
Let us help you spread the word about your club’s upcoming events, projects or fundraisers in IMPACT! Complete this IMPACT! Submission Form and return to [email protected] by Friday for the following week’s newsletter. Include your photo or graphic as a separate attachment as a jpg or png file.
We’ll feature them in our Rotary in Action Quarterly. The deadline for the next issue (September) is August 10, 2024. Here’s the Rotary in Action Submission Form to complete and return to [email protected].
About Rotary District 5500
Service Above Self
aitlyn Rotarians at the 1911 convention embraced an early version of our primary motto, Service Above Self. They also adopted an early version of our secondary motto, One Profits Most Who Serves Best.
NOTE: The new D5500 Webmaster is Caitlyn Adams [email protected]. Thanks!
Rotaract and Rotary Clubs
Number of Members
News & Information

Rotary District 5500
Rotary brings together leaders who build friendships, exchange ideas and take action in their communities. Join us!

We channel our commitment to service through five avenues, which are the foundation of club activity.
A thriving club is anchored by strong relationships and an active membership development plan.
Vocational Service
Rotarians work with integrity and contribute their expertise to the problems and needs of society.
Community Service
We find ways to improve the quality of life for people in their communities and to serve the public interest.
International Service
We promote peace & understanding globally by sponsoring or volunteering on projects around the world.
Rotarians work to empower young people through leadership development programs, encouraging the next generation of leaders.