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Interact clubs in District 5500

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. … Clubs can be single-gender or mixed, large or small.

Starting and Maintaining an Interact Club

Why do it?

  1. Future Rotarians
  2. Service to the local and world communities
  3. Interactors learn about leadership, planning, teamwork

Essential Ingredients

  1. Rotary Club with member(s) who have an interest/passion for working with High School Students
  2. High School with (a) a supportive administration and (b) a teacher who can act as a Faculty Advisor and
  3. the Interact Club’s Champion
  4. School Students who are interested in serving, as well as learning valuable skills

Getting Started – RI Paperwork

  1. Organizational Meeting – The “Kick-Off”
  2. Election of Officers – President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (Minimum)
  3. Approval of Standard Club Constitution (RI Download)
  4. Approval of Standard Club Bylaws (RI Download)
  5. Submittal of Club Certification Form to RI (RI Download)
  6. Chartering of Interact Club by RI

Support From Sponsoring Rotary Club

  1. Rotary Advisor to attend Interact Meetings (RI Requires formation of an RC Interact Committee)
  2. Limited Financial Support (Interact Clubs are to be primarily self-supporting) – A Banner, shirts, and pins are good supporting items to kick off a club.
  3. Wear an Interact Club T-Shirt to Interact meetings and events.
  4. Participate/Help Organize the Induction Ceremonies (The first year Chartering and Induction Ceremonies). Invite Rotarians, Principal, Faculty Advisor, Parents, and of course, the Interactors.
  5. Encourage joint projects, whether projects are initiated by Rotarians or Interactors
    Open invitation to Interactors to attend Rotary meetings
  6. Support Interactors’ attendance at RYLA
  7. Assist the Interact Club in applying for Rotary Citations and other awards. Officially recognize the Interact Club’s receipt of the Citations/Awards at a Rotary meeting and invite the Faculty Advisor and other school officials such as the Principal.
  8. Sponsor an End of Year party for the Interactors to recognize their efforts. Include a token of appreciation for the Faculty Advisor.

Interact Year

  1. Kick-Off Meeting with Officers, Faculty Advisor, and Rotarians. Prepare a plan for the year, including a schedule for general meetings and board meetings, community and international projects, and joint projects with sponsoring Rotary Club and other Interact Clubs. Use the Rotary Citation form as one guide to ensure the Club is eligible for the Citation.
  2. Hold general meetings twice per month, board meetings once per month (Per RI).
  3. Participate in Interact meetings and functions sponsored by the District.
  4. Attend District Interact Conference and/or Youth Service sessions at the District Rotary Conference.
  5. Establish Club presence on Facebook or other social media.
  6. Periodically attend meetings of the sponsoring Rotary Club to provide reports regarding the activities of the Interact Club.
  7. Identify strategies to encourage new members to join the Interact Club.
  8. Cultivate underclassmen as members to ensure the sustainability of the Club
  9. Schedule an Induction Ceremony for new Interact Members and invite the parents of the Inductees.
  10. Identify Interactors who will attend RYLA.
  11. Following attendance at RYLA, the RYLArians will present a program to the sponsoring Rotary Club
  12. Towards the end of the year elect Officers for following the school year.
  13. Hold an end of year party to celebrate the accomplishments of the Interact Club during the school year.

Our Interact Clubs

Our Interact Clubs

Interact is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young people. It gives young people, mainly high school students, an opportunity to participate in fun and meaningful service projects. … Interact Club is self-supporting and self-governing, thus encouraging the development of leadership skills.

The purpose of Interact is to provide an opportunity for young people to work together in a world fellowship dedicated to service and international understanding.

The goals of the Interact are:

  1. To recognize and develop constructive leadership and personal integrity.
  2. To encourage and practice thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others.
  3. To create an awareness of the importance of home and family.
  4. To build respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual.
  5. To emphasize acceptance of individual responsibility as the basis of personal success, community improvement,
    and group achievement.
  6. To develop life skills including self-development, time management, and personal finances.
  7. To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve society.
  8. To provide opportunities for gaining increased knowledge and understanding of community, national, and world affairs.
  9. To open avenues of personal and group action leading to the advancement of international understanding and goodwill toward all peoples