The year 2020 has been one for the record books. It has been all-things-COVID, which back in January was something the vast majority of us had never even heard of. Technology has certainly been beneficial for Rotary Club meetings. Our whole world has been shaken, but for the most part, we are all learning to cope.District 5500 Rotary clubs have done an extremely good job with projects such as Handbags for Hope, online auctions, virtual runs, and games for fundraisers, in spite of this situation. Rotary clubs are “teaming up” and working together on projects and fundraisers. As they say, “teamwork makes the dream work”.
Rotarians have done so much across our district and across the globe we need to concentrate on that and how it helped others in ways that we may never know.

The Rotary Theme for January is Vocational Services. Vocational Service gives Rotarians the opportunity to help others escape poverty and gain a measure of self-respect. As business and professional leaders, we have a duty to lead and encourage good ethics through vocation.

District 5500 is fortunate to have the Rotary Vocational Fund of AZ (TRVFA) As a current board member, I can assure you that every dollar you donate to TRVFA will help people escape poverty. In the last few years, we have had to turn applicants away because of a funding shortfall. Please consider donating your AZ Tax Credit this year.

NEW YEAR 2021 

  • 2021 promises to be a better year but look at the New Year as a blank book - it's a chance to write your story. The New Year will offer you another chance to set things right and to open up some new chapters in your life.

  • Remember that the road to success means you always look ahead. In that sense, may you reach your destination, and may your journey be creative.

  • Remember to let go of the past and start new relationships perhaps with other Rotarians – Rotary is all about Fellowship. Reach out to members you have not seen in a while; it will certainly brighten their day.

  • Brush up on your Rotary knowledge. Rotary is changing. Enroll in an online Rotary training class at the District or at the RI Learning Center.

  • It's never too late for all of us, especially Rotarians to be what you wish to be. Age is just a number, it should not define us, or our destiny, because it’s not our age that counts, but our attitude. Think forever 21!

  • Cheer for your successes and cheers to those who helped you achieve them.

  • Resolutions generally don't work.  Just consider letting go of the past and start off fresh.

I'm wishing you 12 months of achievement, 52 weeks of happiness, 365 days of enjoyment, 8,760 hours of contentment.  Borrowing from this from the Song “I hope you dance” -- ‘when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance".
Happy New Year
District Governor
Diane Ventura-Goodyear